A Clear Communications Cube

C C CUBE this fabulous stress cube is a product used for verbal and non-verbal communication. Visual communication will enable improvements to structured and routine environments.


The CC CUBE assists people understand a person’s emotions, enables interact with others in a non-verbal manner. The C C CUBE takes the guessing away when emotions or behaviour is affecting a person’s manner.

C C CUBE covers Zones of Regulation which is used in schools, and complements and encourages young children to beware of behaviours and tools and assists in communication in class. The C C CUBE is made of stress ball soft materials that can’t harm. The CC CUBE can be use in environments outside the classroom. C C CUBE is a resourceful product that is used for many uses, from education, to health care professionals, and fun to used in the office.

The CC Cube design

The CC Cube has been designed and manufactured in Australia using local Sunshine Coast partners. The CC Cube is non toxic polyurethane and uses water based inks for the illustrative designs. Cleaning the CC Cube is a simple as hand washing in warm soapy water.

Place an order today!

We are currently experiencing strong demand for our CC Cubes, however we have a fast turnaround on fulfilling orders.

Direct deposit to National Australia Bank


BSB NO: 084 484

ACCOUNT NO: 296713068

Payment reference #invoice number or School Name or send cheque to

17 Brolga Court, Little Mountain Q 4551

Credit Card – please contact our office to pay over phone

So we can best service your needs we would love to discuss your requirements personally.

Please call Lara Hetherington directly on 0408 458 071

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